Környezeti megbízhatósági tesztkamrák
- Nagy kapacitás: 45m³ effektív térfogat a kiterjedt tesztelési igényekhez.
- Széles tartomány: Hőmérséklet-tartomány: 0 ° C és + 90 ° C között; Páratartalom: 20–98% relatív páratartalom.
- Precíz vezérlés: ±1°C hőmérséklet-ingadozás, ±2,5% relatív páratartalom-ingadozás.
- Tartós kialakítás: Akár 2000 kg/m²-t is támogat, csúszásgátló padlóval és nagy teherbírású versenyautókkal felszerelve.
- Szabványoknak megfelelő: Több nemzetközi környezetvédelmi tesztelési szabványnak is megfelel.
- Széles hőmérséklet és páratartalom tartomány: -40 ° C és + 150 ° C között, páratartalom 20% -98% relatív páratartalom.
- Nagy pontosságú vezérlés: hőmérséklet-ingadozás ±0,5 ° C, páratartalom ingadozás ±2,5% relatív páratartalom.
- Többféle méret áll rendelkezésre: a kompakt 80 literestől a nagy kapacitású 1000 literes modellekig.
- Megfelelés a nemzetközi szabványoknak: Támogatja a GB/T és IEC környezetvédelmi tesztelési szabványokat.
- Energiatakarékos és csendes működés: Zajszint ≤75dB.
- Tartós anyagok: SUS304 # rozsdamentes acél belső a tartós megbízhatóság érdekében.
This equipment is suitable for all kinds of electrical and electronic products and other products, parts and materials to carry out high and low temperature constant and gradual change, humidity and heat test and other environmental simulation reliability test.
other uses may cause injury to personnel and damage to equipment.
Sample limit
Testing and storage of samples of flam mable。
In addition to testing the adaptability and the characteristics of the product had been changed under the general conditions of temperature and humidity combination (High-low temperature & storage, temperature cycling, high temperature and high humidity or moisture condensation test) by simulatable products, low humidity and constant temperature-humidity test chamber can also test whether the crazing and breakage of the product would happen under the conditions of low temperature and low humidity, high temperature and low humidity, high temperature and high humidity, low temperature and high humidity. Further more, the static content in air under the low humidity condition is many time more than the general condition, and it is said that most damage of the electronic components is caused by static.
Meeting the requirements of international specification test (IEC, JIS. JB, MIL...) to ensure the consistency of international measurement programs (including testing procedures, conditions and methods) to avoid cognitive differences and reduces the measurement uncertainties.
High and low temperature test chamber applying to electrical engineering, electronic products, components and the adaptive test of materials during storage, transportation and use in high and low temperature.
Designed for a variety of electronic products machine high and low temperature and humidity test, LED, PCB and other products aging test, special requirements can be customized, such as low-temperature and low-humidity test recognized: 3 ℃/10% RH; 2, 5C/10% RH, etc., the size of the inner box to accept customized, temperature and humidity Fan to accept customized. Laboratory floor load-bearing capacity: 600kg/m2 (uniform load) made of fully welded stainless steel SUS304 non-slip plate.
Thermal Shock Test Chamber is designed to test the material structure or composite materials, in the instant after the extremely high temperature and extremely low temperature under the continuous degree of tolerance, in order to test in the shortest possible time due to thermal expansion and contraction of the chemical changes caused by or physical damage. To be tested completely static test mode is the current electronic parts testing, research, and semiconductor production line with a large number of screening, can save a lot of consumables testing costs. Fast operation and high reliability. Suitable for metal, plastic, rubber, electronics, aerospace .... Material testing.
Designed for all kinds of electrical and electronic, automotive, metal, plastic, chemical, aerospace, medical building materials and other products, parts and materials for high and low temperature constant and gradual change of hot and humid test and other environmental simulation reliability test.
Sópermet teszter Különböző anyagok felületi korrózióállóságának tesztelésére tervezték festés, bevonás, bevonatolás és eloxálás után.
GB / T5170.8, GB / T2423.17, ISO-376837693770, ASTM-B117B268, JIS-DO201H8502 H8610K5400Z2371 vizsgálati szabvány